Hays WCID 1

Watering Restrictions


Watering must occur between the hours of midnight and 7:00 a.m. on designated days. Hand watering is allowed from 6 a.m. - 10 a.m. on any day with stage 2. Please see the schedule map below:

Violators of the above schedule will result in a minimum $200.00 fine on your monthly water bill.

The majority of irrigation used for landscaping, greenbelts and medians in Belterra comes from storm water basins or re-use water. Many of you will notice that shortly after a rain event several sprinklers in the greenbelt areas come on. Many of the water basins in Belterra are designed to capture storm water and filter any pollutants by using irrigation systems.

While the schedule and other water-saving measures are extremely valuable during the current drought conditions, these measures are beneficial regardless of how much (or little) rain our region receives. Long-term, these conservation measures will save you money on your water-utility bills - and they help manage the region's water resources to meet long-term needs. The District appreciates your support in following these measures.

Warnings will not be issued.